Russian officials inaugurated a "humanitarian centre" yesterday (17 October) in the Serbian city of Niš, situated 100 km from the Kosovo border, but denied suggestions that Moscow was in fact setting up a military base. The development took place days after the European Commission dampened Serbia's EU accession hopes.
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Russia opens 'humanitarian' base in Serbia | EurActiv
Russian officials inaugurated a "humanitarian centre" yesterday (17 October) in the Serbian city of Niš, situated 100 km from the Kosovo border, but denied suggestions that Moscow was in fact setting up a military base. The development took place days after the European Commission dampened Serbia's EU accession hopes.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Ratko Mladic arrested!
BELGRADE -- Serbian President Boris Tadić confirmed during a news conferencein Belgrade today that Hague fugitive Ratko Mladić had been arrested.
B92 previously received confirmation that a man suspected to be Mladić was in custody.
The secret operation came after a tip-off that Mladić, who used the name Milorad Komadić, "possessed some identification documents of Ratko Mladić and was physically very similar to him", the Zagreb-based Jutarnji List reported earlier today.
The report did not mention the location where the arrest took place. B92 has unofficially learned that the operation took place in the village of Lazarevo, near the town of Zrenjanin in northern Serbia.
Previously, B92 contacted the police, but was told only that an indentity check and a DNA analysis were "ongoing", and that a complete DNA analysis would take three days to complete.
The former military leader of Serbs in Bosnia is wanted by the Hague Tribunal on genocide and war crimes charges.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Monday, 9 May 2011
Stuffed pepers - punjene paprike
Friday, 6 May 2011
Migration Training Course - Stip, Macedonia from 25th March until 1st April 2011
Between 25th March and 1st April 2011, I participated in a Training Course (TC) co-financed by the Youth in Action programme, in the city of Stip, Macedonia.
This TC was an intensive week working on the thematic of Migration, Immigration and Emigration in a general point of view on one side, and on the other side focusing on the different countries which were represented there.
This article focuses on some of the aspects that have been drawn by this TC and is not exclusively focusing on the Balkan case. Instead, it is a small gathering of ideas containing some comparisons that I find interesting to treat here, be it about Balkan countries or other countries from Eastern and Central Europe, Western Europe and Caucasus region, which were represented during the TC.
One of the most interesting things I can say about this training was the diversity of participants coming from different countries and therefore being familiar with different migration realities. We can consider that 5 different regions were present: Western Europe with Portugal, UK, Italy and Sweden, the Baltic area with Lithuania, the Balkans with Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia, the Caucasus with Armenia, Georgia and Turkey and Central and Eastern Europe with Czech Republic, Poland, Moldova and Hungary.
Although many differences can be identified between regions (in this way we would say the Western European region has a different reality than the Balkans, considering that all the countries from each of these two regions have a common migration history), I found out that these differences are more important between national states, each country having very specific types of migration. In other terms, when we talk about migration, immigration and emigration, we shouldn't think of this as a homogeneous phenomena equally shaped (even if there are undeniable influences and links between countries), but on the contrary we should take conscience of each country's specificities and of the cultural and historical puzzle we face in Europe.
Besides, we can also clearly observe tight links between different countries situated in the same region. The differences and similarities cannot be exclusively confined to the regional or to the national level. The question of migration, immigration and emigration is very complex and even inside one state there can be interesting variations in terms of the origins of its inhabitants, the main reasons which impulse people to migrate, the countries which send and receive migrants, etc.
The interesting thing about this diversity of countries is that, for historical reasons and current world's events (Arabic Revolutions, war in Lybia, growing flows of migrants from Tunisia and other third-countries, financial and social crisis in many countries, etc), all the countries have known different waves of migration, welcoming different nationalities, ethnies or groups in their countries, having or not emigrated from their countries, having or not important minority groups and immigrated population. In other words, every country has been directly or indirectly influenced by migration waves.
Europe is at least a complex puzzle where the degree of difficulty to solve problems of discrimination, racism, xenophobia, stereotypes, territorial management, employment issues, cultural and religious shocks, is very high. The cultural, social, political and economic panorama of Europe has changed many times through centuries and is still changing provoking new waves of migrations motivated by the present economic, demographic and social conjuncture.
Some of the Western European countries presented in the TC have an important emigration tradition (i.e Portugal, Italy) while other countries receive more immigrants (i.e UK or Sweden). On their turn, Balkan countries, for example, have very important ethnic minorities settled down in the region. The migration panel in the Balkan States is absolutely different from the one existing in Western European countries. The historical events are different, the peoples are different, the cultures are different. For example, Portugal and France have important black African or North African (France) minorities while in Serbia or Macedonia for example, the presence of people from these regions is insignificant or even inexistent.
Let's now focus on specific examples of migration in Europe:
If emigration has been strong in the Portuguese history, especially during XX century, due to the unfavorable economic and political situation in the country (during the dictature - 1926-1974- and after), and to the colonial policy imposed by Salazar and a posteriori by Marcelo Caetano, we have to mention that Portugal has also been an important country of destination. Until the 90's the immigrants were mostly coming from Portuguese-speaking countries but from this period until the first years of the 21st century an interesting immigration "boom" from Eastern European countries like Ukraine, Romania, Moldova and Russia occurred.
Nowadays, the financial and political crisis which Portugal is going through gives again impulse for Portuguese citizens to leave the country and find jobs in other countries with more employment opportunities, especially in European Union states. This time - contradictory to the emigration which occurred during the dictature and after the Revolution of 1974, characterized by a less-educated part of the population which represented low workforce costs for the employers in France, Germany and the other countries of destination - this time, we are assisting to a modern phenomena called "brain-drain" where the groups leaving the country are for the majority of them highly educated young people with University degrees in various fields of studies.
As regards internal migration, Portugal, as many other countries has been suffering from internal migration especially in terms of rural migration and "East-West moving" (from isolated and less developed interior or Eastern locations to the economically more developed Littoral coast).
Besides, a specificity of Serbian migration (which can be applied to the Balkans in general) is the existence in the territory of minorities which have been gaining more and more political powers and representations, and an important number of Internally Displaced People and refugees (from Kosovo and Croatia). Among the minorities existing in the country are Roma and Albanians are the most problematic groups in terms of discrimination and racism.
As regards the origins of the immigrants the top 5 countries of origin, according to IOM report are China, Romania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Slovakia.
As for the countries of destination are Germany, Austria, Switzerland, United-States, Turkey, Croatia, Sweden, Italy, Canada and Australia.
An interesting point to highlight is the fact that with the entrance in the EU of those countries, the procedures for employing people from Ukraine, Moldova or Belarus are more and more complex, which encourages the employers to more easily employ people from other EU states or at least to use "black market" measures. Among the procedures for employing a worker from these countries in the recently new members of the EU, are "the proof of the actual need for foreign labour and an analysis of its impact on the domestic labour market (Labour Market Test). This becomes further complicated by the need to obtain local work and residence permit".
Moreover, irregular migrants are exposed with the risk of being deported which often results on the abuse from their employers.
While talking to a Ukrainian participant in the training I asked her what was the motivation for Ukrainians to emigrate to Portugal which is economically not the best country at all (very high unemployment rate, relatively low salaries, current economical crisis which is not new at all and could have been perceived for more than 10 years ago in my point of view and contrary to what some politicians tend to defend)
She answered me that the people have the image of a sunny, quite, peaceful country where the adaptation to Portuguese culture and manners is thought to be easier than with other countries. Moreover, even if they have for the majority higher education diplomas, when they arrive to Portugal they mainly find manual labour jobs; but the fact is that even with low salaries they manage to live better under these conditions than they would live in Ukraine by exercising they profession.
The debates initiated during this training were often very heated, especially when talking about immigration and whether we accept it as a whole or only under conditions. Interesting contrasting opinions were raised, such as the consideration of assimilation rather than integration processes. Even if most of the people are more likely to accept the integration policy as being the most appropriate one when it comes to deal with immigrants, some people didn't feel the same way and felt that too much advantages were offered to some immigrants or minorities deploring the fact that they usually don't bring anything positive to the country.
In this respect, a very interesting simulation exercise was given to the participants where they would have to divide themselves in different groups - asylum seekers with different specific situations, the Council of Immigration (State Body in charge of awarding the status of asylum seeker and therefore the permission of residing in the country), external observers and one human rights organisation from the civil society.
I was in the Council group and I remember we had very intense discussion on who we would have to "save" and therefore accept in the country (only 2 people out of around 7 could be accepted and we had to make a choice after consensus). The main issue that we were trying to solve inside this diverse opinion group was whether we should better consider the degree of gravity of the situation of the asylum seeker's life or instead to focus more on the benefits they would bring to the country.
We finally came to the conclusion that asylum seekers are mainly people who are seeking for protection of another State for being persecuted, living in extreme poverty, economical reasons, etc... and that we cannot ignore a person living under an extremely difficult situation (sickness, poverty, loneliness of elderly people...) for providing him or her with the permission to live in another State just because this person will not economically or in another way benefit to the welcoming country.
But the interesting fact was this opposition of opinions and the search of a consensus when we had to decide inside a group. We were often confronting each other and even taking some of the discussions as threats and personal offenses when the opinions were diverging.
If you wish to have more information about the organised activities, the outcomes and results of the decisions we finally made as regards this simulation, don't hesitate to contact me or just leave a comment. I will reply with pleasure!
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Training Course about migration (Stip, Macedonia) - Pictures
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
In June 2010, EU leaders adopted the 'Europe 2020' strategy, which has the overall aim of creating jobs and promoting "smart, sustainable and inclusive growth". It follows on from the Lisbon Strategy, which was originally launched in the year 2000.
The 2020 strategy is based around a series of headline targets that have been agreed at EU level. These targets include:
- increasing the employment rate from 69% to 75%, and;
- reducing the number of people living in poverty by 20 million.
Member states are expected to translate the EU-level goals into national targets, taking their different starting points into account.
The European Commission has promised to implement seven flagship initiatives in the framework of the 2020 strategy. These include: 'Youth on the Move', 'An Agenda for New Skills and Jobs', and the 'European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion'.
Monday, 14 March 2011
Serbian deputy Prime Minister mulls Hong-Kong model for Kosovo-news
Serbia hopes to be ready to join the European Union by the end of 2015, but first a "creative" solution will have to be found for its former province Kosovo, Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic told EurActiv Germany in an exclusive interview. He cited the "Hong Kong model" as one way of resolving the issue.
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Serbia to sign agreement on participating in EU missions
Commission issues challenging to-do list for Croatia
"Nights for Europe"
These nights were usually 2 hours long and were composed of Power-point presentations, interactive and educational games and movies.
Among the most interesting nights were the ones where each of the nationalities represented (Serbs, French, Portuguese and Slovakian) made a presentation of their own countries. For the first time in 6 months, I was able to actually show something about my culture and my country, even if it was in a narrow manner.
Moreover, the young Serbian participants shared with us a bit more about the country which had been hosting me for the last 6/7 months.
It was undoubtedly a very positive experience which, I hope, will be repeated in the future!
Monday, 14 February 2011
Article about "Couch Surfing" in a local newspaper from Uzice
Bernadette Oliveira Martins - SVE em Vranje, Sérvia
This video is a short "interview" where I am presenting in a very general view, the city and some aspects of my life in Vranje in the period of my European Voluntary Service (EVS).
Don't make fun of me ;-)
(In PORTUGUESE language only, without subtitles)